Hurricane season began June 1st, so make sure you are prepared and don’t get caught off guard by a storm. You can get all the information you need concerning hurricane preparation by going to:

When you click on Make a Plan, it will give you information about building a kit, family plan steps, financial preparedness tips, individuals with disabilities and a plan for pets.

Make sure your home is secure and all outside objects that could cause injury or damage during strong winds are stored inside. Make sure that your garbage can is pulled from the street and secure on your porch.

If you plan on evacuating for a storm, please notify the office. We will keep a running list of those tenants who have evacuated.

In case the office is closed, we will leave the answering machine on. Remember that if there is no electricity, the phones will not work. As soon as a storm is over and it is safe to come out, someone will come out and check the development. Please refrain from calling unless it is an emergency.

The staff will keep residents notified through our text messaging system. If your phone number has changed, please notify the office in order for us to update it in our system.

Consider neighbors who may need your assistance. Disabled or elderly persons may depend on your help.

Tune into radio and TV stations for weather bulletins.