Notice of Public Hearing
PUBLIC NOTICE of Public Hearing 2018 ANNUAL AGENCY PLAN AMENDED ADMISSIONS AND CONTINUED OCCUPANCY POLICY BERWICK HOUSING AUTHORITY The Berwick Housing Authority will conduct a Public Hearing at 2:00 PM on Thursday, October 12, 2017 at the Community Room in the Office of the Housing Authority, 2751 Fifth Street, P.O. Box 231, Berwick, LA, 70342. The […]
Smoke-Free Housing
BERWICK HOUSING AUTHORITY IS GOING SMOKE-FREE TIMELINE: February 23, 2017-Smoke-Free Housing Meeting for residents February 23, 2017-April 10, 2017-45 day comment period April 18, 2017-Smoke-Free Policy & Addendum presented to the Board of Commissioners for approval June 16, 2017-60 day notice sent to all residents July 1, 2017-Effective Date for all new leases August 1, […]
Neighborhood Fun
Mr. Numa Lorio is the resident to thank for the beautification on Guzzetta Drive, the rock garden he is sculpting is lovely.